Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Abroad

New Delhi, India
"Merry Christmas" "Merry Christmas" random people on the street and in stores said on the 25th of December. Oh, Christmas was yesterday I thought to myself, on the 24th. The 25th is just the First Day of Christmas, not Christmas itself. It turns out that it's not a known fact that Norwegians celebrate Christmas on the Eve of the 24th, after 5pm. What I wonder is; how did you think Santa Claus would be able to visit everyone if everyone celebrated on the same day?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dancing Amongst Birds Means Good Luck

Jaipur, India - where feeding the birds will bring luck and happiness..

Free as a Bird.

 Brings a smile on your face.

                                                                                                         Pictures taken by the author.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

"May no one loose their hope before all people are one"

The third Sunday of Advent certainly was filled with laughter and new insights. A lovely picnic in beautiful and peaceful Lodhi Garden with great friends, followed by a piano concert at the Hungarian Cultural Centre in Delhi. Celebrating the 200th anniversary of Franz Liszt, concert pianist Seenu Singh performed a beautiful "Liszt Recital". The beautiful tunes certainly made my body long back to the days when I used to dance.

Tenn Lys by Eivind Skeie

Tenn Lys!
Tre lys skal flamme for alle some må sloss.
For rettferd og for frihet. De trenger hjelp av oss.
Må ingen miste motet før alle folk er ett.
Tenn lys for dem som kjemper for frihet og for rett.

Light a candle! Three candles will sparkle for all who have to fight 
For justice and freedom. They need help from us
May no one loose their hope before all people are one 
Light a candle for those who fight for freedom and for what is right 

On that note, a friend of mine shared something today, that I want to share with you. In addition the elements, such as fire and water, on earth, acceptance should be an essential component. Just imagine a world, where we all accepted each other for who we and what we are. Gender, Ethnicity, Citizenship (or lack thereof), sexuality, disease diagnosis, intellect, religion put aside. Instead of focusing on differences, rather accept that we might be different, but we can all together work towards justice and freedom. In the cause of gender equality, in the cause for gay rights, breast cancer, refugee settlement right issues, hiv/aids, children's rights, "they need help from us". Meaning nobody within a specific cause can fight the battle alone. Imagine if we worked together, through acceptance "our world will be as one". If we accept each other, we can in turn understand each other, and thus fight for each other's rights.

Perhaps you think it's idealistic and a cliche, but try to see how much better your own life will become if you are willing and able to accept people for who they are. Rather than thinking people are different, think of all the wonderful perspectives they can provide you with - learning a whole
new way of viewing the world. 
Don't loose hope in that we can all be one. The key perhaps is acceptance, leading to understanding and standing together for the benefit of others. It might not change the whole world tomorrow, but it can your acceptance can mean the world to a friend. Perhaps you can become one who stands up for others in the battle for freedom and what is right.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"May prisoners have their freedom and refugees a home..."

Second Advent Sunday and the second candle has been lit.
Every day my thoughts revolve around the theme of the second sunday of Advent. Think of others, and how you can help them out. Think of ways you can influence somebody's life for the better. In a small way, or a larger way. But just do it, every positive action is what will change the world for the better. Show some compassion, help unjustified prisoners, help give refugees a home, and care about those who cry, but also those who comfort them. Love those around you. Believe in yourself and your loved ones, but others too.

Tenn lys!
To lys skal skinne for kjærlighet og tro,
for dem som viser omsorg og alltid bygger bro.
Må fanger få sin frihet og flykninger et hjem.
Tenn lys for dem som gråter og dem som trøster dem.

Light a candle!
To lights will shine for love and faith,
for those who care and always reconcile
May prisoners have their freedom and refugees a home.
Light a candle for those who cry and those who comfort them.

Eivind Scheie