Every day we put on our clothes without really thinking about where they come from or how they are made. I visited a factory, Grameen Knitwear Ltd. The photos show pieces of the process of making sports wear, as 80% of what is produced in this factory is sportswear.

The first thing you might think of when reading articles about factories in developing countries may be about the working conditions of the workers. I want to specify that this article is not about the bad conditions of the workers, it's rather to give you an image of how a clothing factory works, through my eyes. I am by no means and expert, and I'm only sharing with you my observations.
"The working conditions at the factory is better than other factories", according to the officer we met with at the factory.
The Conditions
The workers work 8 hour shifts. On the ground floor, where the fabric is created and colored, only men work because the shifts are split into 3 shifts in 24 hours, which requires a rotating night shifts.
Benefits of the workers