Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Encounter with Bangladesh

I arrived in Bangladesh excited and nervous early this week for a field study with University of the South, Sewanee TN, USA. I did not know what to expect really at all, except what I had read and seen pictures of online. Shortly after arriving in Dhaka a day after the group, I was welcomed at the airport. Then we travel out into a more village area outside the city. It was a car ride that should take around 1-2 hours, but it took over 4 hours.

My first encounter with the Bangladeshi traffic was interesting to say the least. The cars are often new and modern, the buses and trucks are decorated beautifully in strong colors and decoration. To add to the traffic picture is bikes and rickshaws decorated with colored patterns and pictures. It's a completely different traffic image than what I'm used to from Europe and the US.

Traveling in the traffic, I've seen so many things, that I will share later.
Pass the Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Hei ! :) e kjekt at du he laga blogg så vi får følge med på reisa :)spennende ! klem Karoline og mamma
